Currently under construction. I expect to have a variety of code projects and video demos up here by the end of June, 2020 and many more over the following months.
stuff here…
- M. M. Millonas, A Connectionist Type Model of Self-Organized Foraging and Emergent Behavior in Ant Swarms, Journal of Theoretical Biology 159, 529 (1992). ABSTRACT
- M. M. Millonas, Swarms, Phase Transitions, and Collective Intelligence, Proceedings of ALIFE III (C. G. Langton, ed.) Santa Fe Institute: Addison-Wesley (1993). ABSTRACT, PDF
- E. M. Rauch, M. M. Millonas and D. R. Chialvo, Pattern Formation and Functionality in Swarm Models, Physics Letters A, 207, 185 (1995). ABSTRACT, PDF
- D. R. Chialvo and M. M. Millonas, How Swarms Build Cognitive Maps , In: The NATO ASI series. Series F, Computer and system sciences 144, 439 (1995). ABSTRACT, PDF
Here is a readable PDF file of the code.
The project code can be downloaded from my Github depository HERE.
Here is a test video of a simulation.